Imagine... Leaders and Equality

We Imagine... Us

    The 25 minute radio program included host Maria Hinojosa and Futuro Media, who brought up the idea of "We Imagine… Us: The Long Way Around," which is Futuro's first-ever fiction podcast series. There was so much to learn about this new podcast, including how "we as the world come together and share ideas to create an equal and better post-COVID world". (Latino 2:15-2:18)

The "We Imagine... Us" Project
    I learned that it is not only going to be a fictional podcast, but there is also going to be an animated version for visual viewers and learners. I personally enjoyed hearing about the ideas of the new series, as well as what it could do for the newly changed world. The only thing I did not like was the hosts looked too far into the future. I have never been one to look far into the future, because to me, we should focus on now. The more we focus on just the future, everything around us now will go and we will regret taking everything we have now for granted.

Equality Like No Other


  Reading through several articles, I finally found one that was not only interesting, but it related to the radio program in some ways. In the article titled "Post-COVID-19 schooling," author Mark Londesborough explained the ideas of how schools would look during post-COVID times. Much of the ideas were just guesses of course, as the article was written over a year ago, in April of 2020. 

    Although there is a lot to take from the article, such as the idea of fixing equality within the students and their futures. Londesborough explains that "all children deserve a rich education: one that supports the academic achievement, but also sets them up for life" (Londesborough 43). This goes back to the idea relating with the radio program that we need equality, no matter what we must do. We must all come together during these hard times and continue to push for equality and a better future for everyone in the world. We must continue to push and fight for one another until we are all seen equally.

In Need of A Leader

Around two minutes and a half into the radio program, Hinojosa brings up equality once more, and how we should lead each other to greatness (LatinoUSA 2:30-2:45). This not only relates to the Post-COVID article, but also my theme for our class. In the beginning of the article, author Londesborough explains how in the Bible, there was "a sign of a covenant between God and humanity. A reminder of the bond between the mighty and the weak; that the worst of storms are weathered together," (42) which relates to the ideas of the relationship between old Latin-American leaders and the people they led. 

Works Cited

Hinojosa, Maria. “We Imagine… Us: The Long Way Around.” PRX, LatinoUSA, 18 Oct. 2021,

Londesborough, Mark. “Post-COVID-19 Schooling.” JSTOR, Apr. 2020, 


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