
Showing posts from November, 2021

Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: A Review

"Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies" Summary In "Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies," anthropologist Seth Holmes visits immigrant field workers, in hopes of bringing a focus on how social, economic, and healthcare inequalities cause damaging yet avoidable injuries and health problems. He visits a group of Indigenous families for around 18 months as they cross the border, work on some farms, and then return to their hometown. Constantly bending over causes physical problems in the future for these workers Throughout the story Holmes illustrates everything he is seeing, especially all the mistreatment of the workers. Most of these workers suffer poor health due to their class position, including "increased rates of nonfatal injuries, musculoskeletal pain, heart disease, and many types of cancer" (Holmes 101). These examples played a big role during his time with the families, as most of the story was centered around the field workers being mistreated which would eventually